Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Restoration (part 3)

Alright, alright I know this says part 3 and many will be tempted to start here and decide whether or not to read the other two, but that doesn't make sense...unless you are one of those people who skip to the last chapter to see what happens at the end of the book! shame on you ha! or you may scroll down and decide it's too long and don't have the time. I tried my best to set it up so that it flows in the direction of 1-3 not 3,2,1 so it probably won't make much sense to read this one first...and this is just the way it falls on the screen, sorry...


My Studio 13 by Carrie said...

Jason, thanks so much for sharing this. it is beautiful, and honest and raw, and I truly am blessed by reading it. I praise Him for the work in you
p.s. I did read 3 first, but then went promptly to one and two!!!

CaseyWiegand said...

Jason, this is great...thanks for sharing your heart!!!!

Me said...

Thanks for writing.

Of course, He must like it when marriages stick together, but my guess is, He likes it even more when his people are happy.

I hope you are.

Lacy Beckler said...

I appreciate this and your honesty. Beautiful. And God is AH-Mazing! :) Keep pressing on! The story is not over...

Jamie Talley said...
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Jamie Talley said...

seriously inspiring. thanks for exposing your heart, Jason.