Monday, December 7, 2009

Kinsman Redeemer

The mountain before me great and tall
Could I go over or would I be afraid to fall
My heart is in this the King I know
Has called me to press on even through the deepest snow

The enemy advances and weighs heavily upon me
I use my sword to defend my territory
Resisting the urge to give in now
Because at the name of Jesus every knee will bow

He has chosen this for me that I may suffer with glory
Before the foundations of the earth He had written my story
That in my trials my faith would not waver
as Jesus came to die and became my Savior

And so I look at this mountain before me
with joy in my eyes to give Him the glory

1 comment:

Alexis said...

Beautiful depiction of your journey, Jason. Don't get excited in the valley because there is a mountain around the corner, get excited in the valley because the King of kings is with you. He is always with you, on the mountain or in the valley :)